1997 Southwest Yard & Garden Archives
- January 6, 1997
Prevent short flower stalks on spring bulbsFragrant indoor plant
- January 13, 1997
Gardening for wheel chair gardeners
- January 20, 1997
Grass drought tolerance
- January 27, 1997
Digging a garden now
- February 3, 1997
Lawn toadstoolsPretty lawn and dead trees
- February 10, 1997
Cut trees because of hay fever?
- February 17, 1997
Daffodils blooming too early?Fat white worms in lawn
- February 23, 1997
Skinny tomato plants started indoors
- March 3, 1997
When to fertilize trees
- March 17, 1997
Ugly globe willowFewer bugs
- March 24, 1997
Weed control to reduce curly top virusMoving daffodilsWhat is calcareous soil?
- March 31, 1997
When to plant grass seedsWhen to set houseplants outsideProtecting seedlings from birds
- April 7, 1997
Bone meal and mad cow disease
- April 14, 1997
Watering lawns under water-conserving restrictions
- April 21, 1997
Elm tree drips stinking sap
- April 28, 1997
Black leaves on pear tree in spring
- May 5, 1997
Ash tree leaves frozen
- May 12, 1997
Fertilize newly planted trees?
- May 19, 1997
Apply compost to established lawn?Herbicide and groundwater contamination?
- May 26, 1997
Rabbits eating garden
- June 2, 1997
Leaves and twigs falling from treesBirds eating my cherries
- June 9, 1997
Grass turning yellow
- June 16, 1997
Cucumbers and melons too close in the garden?
- June 23, 1997
Euonymus scale insect problem
- June 30, 1997
Leaves turning yellow and falling from locust tree
- July 7, 1997
Elm leaf beetles invading new homeWaterlogged African violet
- July 14, 1997
Brown needles on pine trees
- July 21, 1997
Yellow wildflower, sweet clover, alfalfon
- July 28, 1997
Apple leaves drying upWildlife garden
- August 4, 1997
Elm leaf beetles, again
- August 11, 1997
Grasshoppers eating garden
- August 18, 1997
Transplanted trees sickWeeping fig dropping leaves
- August 25, 1997
Old lombardy poplar sickWatermelon blossom end rot
- September 1, 1997
Help us watch the Japanese beetle
- September 8, 1997
Bark beetle treatment scam?Fruitless mulberry
- September 15, 1997
Fertilizing Mexican elder and nandinaPoinsettias and Christmas cacti
- September 22, 1997
Pests and diseases from outsideBlooming amaryllis
- September 29, 1997
Mushrooms everywhereSpreading compost
- October 6, 1997
Saving tomato plants from the frost
- October 13, 1997
Squash leaves turned blackFrozen tomato safe to eat?
- October 20, 1997
Yellow areas on tree leavesToo late to plant bulbs?
- October 27, 1997
Window gardening plantsWinter composting
- November 3, 1997
Using homemade compostWhen to prune roses
- November 10, 1997
Winter wateringWhen to prune trees
- November 17, 1997
Scrawny pampas grassPlants good or bad for sick people?
- November 24, 1997
Growing a pineapple houseplant
- December 1, 1997
Concerns with insecticidal soap
- December 8, 1997
Gardeners' gifts
- December 12, 1997
Cut Christmas trees safety
- December 15, 1997
Growing bananas in New Mexico
- December 29, 1997
Windowsill cactus problems
Marisa Y. Thompson, PhD, is the Extension Horticulture Specialist, in the Department of Extension Plant Sciences at the New Mexico State University Los Lunas Agricultural Science Center, email: desertblooms@nmsu.edu, office: 505-865-7340, ext. 113.
For more gardening information, visit the NMSU Extension Horticulture page at Desert Blooms and the NMSU Horticulture Publications page.
Send gardening questions to Southwest Yard and Garden - Attn: Dr. Marisa Thompson at desertblooms@nmsu.edu, or at the Desert Blooms Facebook page.
Please copy your County Extension Agent and indicate your county of residence when you submit your question!